2 Reasons To See Costa Rica Through The Eyes Of A Child

Hello Lovelies,

Our boys were 6 and 7 years old when they first visited Costa Rica. Before our departure we made the decision to gift them their own cameras. We bought them each their own digital waterproof cameras. Waterproof for obvious reasons – they are boys and they were 6 and 7…did I mention they are boys? Right, I did. Good, moving on.

We labeled each camera with their name and encouraged them to take photos of everything and anything they pleased. Unbeknownst to us, we were about to return home with some of the most wonderful memorabilia of our vacation.

Join me as I reminisce.


These types of photos have become some of my favorites.

Their ability to see past the obstructions made it possible for them to truly capture the essence of the city.

These photos enabled us to recall the sites just as if we were driving down the streets once again, we were able to remember the stores we passed, the types of vehicles that were driven and how uninhibited the drivers were. Which is a polite way to say, they interpret their traffic laws more as suggestions rather than defined rules and they pretty much lack any semblance of order on the roadways. But HEY, that’s what makes it thrilling to drive around Costa Rica, in a weird take your life into your own hands kind of way.

All of these intricacies are what comprise some of our most fond and funny memories. These details are what make each country unique. Details that are not always photographed by those of us who are older, but our little boys with their uninhibited spirits captured them expertly.

Don’t just take my word for it – Give your kids a camera and see for yourself.


People taking pictures of people taking pictures ~ or in this case brother taking picture of brother taking picture.

I just adore this photo. It will always remind me how small their little hands were on this trip.

They’re growing up so fast – excuse my while I go sniff their baby blankets and cry…


This reminds me of a sign we saw on our way into the Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio, most probably because it is the sign we saw on our way into the Parque Nacional Manuel Antonio. Coincidence, I think not. Wait…What?


Our first morning in Costa Rica we were greeted with this view.

At this point I remember wanting to cancel our flight back home, sell everything we owned and move immediately.

FYI – We didn’t cancel our flight home, we still have everything and a whole lot more and we’ve never moved. But we do have this photo. So, obviously it’s a win, win.


When I look at his photo I think I should have brushed my hair and that my husband is a very safe driver.


It’s funny how you can travel to another country, yet years later when you are enjoying the photos you are most captivated by your children and how fast they’ve grown up.

Their little ears, their tiny features – good grief I’m off to sob in the corner again.


The Costa Rican countryside whisked by right in front of their beautiful little boy eyes. What a gift these memories will be for them.


If your goal is to take photos of animals, give a child a camera. They can find animals anywhere!!

I literally could be standing with a snake under my feet and a monkey on my head and I’d miss them both.

But hey, that’s what I have my boys for ~ they’re mini ninja animal locators.


Daddy…handsome, amazing, brilliant, mmmmm…what were we talking about ~ I’ve lost my train of thought!

Pardon me ~ That often happens when I’m wooing over my sweetheart.


Upon inspection, you will notice neither one of the boys took this photo.

Upon further inspection and by process of elimination…you probably concluded it was me..if so you’re right!

I wanted to show you the fanny packs our boys use when we travel. Upon a variety of other things this is where they store their camera for easy access.

In truth, I just wanted another opportunity to look at my handsome hubby and cute kids…what can I say, I am clever like that.


Here’s a photo that represents what great parents we are…

Sure kids, go climb on the jagged rocks in a foreign country with no medical care close by. Have fun!


Before you lay judgement, please note this was clearly solid parenting and well worth the safety risk as we were able to bring home this glorious photo of a dead crab.


Until Next Time…Give your kids a camera and see the world through their eyes. You won’t regret it!

~Travel, in the younger sort, is a part of education; in the elder, a part of experience. Francis Bacon

Be blessed, stay blessed and remember if you don’t laugh at yourself someone will do it for you.

Love, L

2 thoughts on “2 Reasons To See Costa Rica Through The Eyes Of A Child

  1. Making memories is such a joy, for parents and their children. My children have children of their own now, and when I take out the photos of my children to show my grands they sometimes howl with laughter, then everyone gathers around to see what they are laughing about and we take that trip all over again. :o)
    Great post and wonderful photos.


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